If you dream of a harmonious and above all a functional interior, you have certainly heard about Feng Shui at least once. Although this exotic name has gained popularity in recent years, many people are still not quite aware of what exactly feng shui is and what his phenomenon is. How to decorate the interior in harmony with feng shui principles? You can find the answer to this and many other questions in the article below.
First mention of feng shui They appeared in Asia, specifically in ancient China. The reason why Feng Shui was created at all is primarily an attempt to define how Create the perfect space. Speaking about perfect space, it should be emphasized that we are talking about the best interior development, so that it is not only functional, but also in line with the natural environment.
The named name itself feng shui It comes from two pictograms, which in direct translation mean wind and water, i.e. two elements that, despite their existence, are completely invisible, and basically transparent. It is a metaphor for what is elusive. It is similar with the energy on which all the art of feng shui is based. The main assumption of feng shui is the harmony and consistency of the environment in which you live. According to this philosophy, the house or apartment should be arranged in such a way that it best reflects the character of the surrounding nature.
One of the most important elements feng shui There is energy. The main task of the household members is to provide her with the best conditions for the flow. According to Feng Shui philosophy Maintaining balance in energy allows for better functioning of the body, as well as maintaining internal peace. Interior decorated in accordance with the principles of feng shui It is simply functional, and this in turn has a direct impact on quality and satisfaction with life.
The principles in question define primarily the way the place is divided into individual spheres that are to affect the whole of functioning at home, as well as aspects such as love, financial prosperity, as well as happiness at work.
To plan a space that will be optimal for life, the so -called Bagua grid, which aim is to indicate places that affect the household positively and negatively. This is especially important in a situation where a person does not feel at ease in his home. The Bagua mesh also allows you to plan the most favorable places to work, rest or live family life. It is based on its basis that space for rooms such as office, bedroomor too salon.
Speaking about Bagua grid It is worth mentioning its graphic performance. The word Bagua itself refers to the octagon, which was divided into eight equal fragments. The individual fragment is the equivalent of one of the trigrams specified by feng shui masters as areas of life. These include: career, knowledge, children, family, marriage, health, wealth and money, fame, as well as helpful people we meet on our way. They also have a significant importance in the entire undertaking furniture and their arrangement, which will be discussed later in the article.
As you have noticed in Feng Shui philosophy Energy and rules that will help you tame it are the leader. Below we have prepared a collection of the ten most popular interior design rules In harmony with Feng Shui.
ABOUT Yin and Yang Almost everyone has heard. These are two extreme energies that argue, but at the same time are their perfect complement. Combining seemingly completely different You can create colors or items that will delight with its form. Yin and Yang symbolize activity and passivity, i.e. behaviors that at first glance have nothing to do with each other, but after a while you can easily find a common link in them.
This principle directly connects to the above -described Yin and Yang method and is a kind of complement to it. According to the philosophy of five elements, there are five energy that are represented by well -known elements such as:
CHI is called life energy due to its properties. Chi energy It manifests itself with the help of nature phenomena, and the best moment to observe it is a storm. According to this philosophy, CHI flow It covers the entire universe, which is why the energy is present in almost every element of the environment.
According to Feng Shui philosophy Energy is an entity that is still in motion. As energy is always in circulation, it means that it is not only in the natural environment, but also in man. It is therefore a success to create an interior that will be compatible with energy tipping in a given man.
IN Feng Shui philosophy Each part of the house is just as important, but the entrance to the house deserves special attention. Why? Well, the entrance should be large and spacious, because it is a symbol of the beginning. This space should not be limited or too dark, because this may disturb the flow of energy, which will ultimately result in dissatisfaction and a sense of failure.
Sunlight is an extremely important element in every home or apartment. It is not only an excellent source of vitamin D, but also makes the rooms look much better. The natural source of light makes the household gain good energy. Bearing in mind the impact of light on energy stimulation, it is worth ensuring that rooms such as salon, dining room or too kitchen They were well sunny. Following this trail, the bedroom can be located in the northern or eastern part.
Use natural materials For interior finishing, it is a fairly popular trend not only among fans feng shui. Thanks to the use of materials such as wood, the rooms become definitely more cozy. When it comes to connections with the philosophy in question, it should be mentioned that the more connections with nature are in a given room, the better it will have energy. Therefore, it is not only worth taking care of the quality and origin of materials, but also to focus on domestic plants.
Initially, it may seem that gifts received from people who have gone from your life for various reasons are only objects. According to the principles of feng shui These types of elements can disturb the flow of energy and even make unwanted energy appear at home. To avoid this type of trouble, you should get rid of all gifts that the person with whom you do not keep in touch gave you.
Feng shui It is an art whose task is to take care of almost every sphere of life. According to this philosophy, dried flowers have a negative impact on love life, so it is not recommended to keep them at home.
A very important aspect in Feng Shui philosophy There is order and prevailing order. Aesthetic and, above all, clean interior allows you to better organize a living space. What's more, an orderly apartment helps to maintain focus, and this in turn directly translates into performance during work.
IN feng shui Almost everything is related to Yin and Yang energy, therefore no one should be surprised that in this case the colors are divided into those that are a reflection of Yin and those that are to present Yang. The combination of them will help you to be harmony and peace. Among Yin colors It stands out, among others White, black, green, blue, brown. These are so -called mild shades. Yang colors However, it is red, yellow, and orange. When deciding to use a specific color, I will be worth noting that its advantage is associated with the dominance of a given energy. However, if you want the energy in your home to be under control, try to control it with a combination of colors.
Home design offices This is the perfect time to think about how to organize a space conducive to work and learning. In this type of room, it is worth using Yang colors, the purpose of which is to stimulate and ensure faster energy movement. They want arrange bedroom, which will be a place for rest and evening relaxation, but it is worth limiting this type of color and focus on colors from the Yin palette.
Decorating a living room It is a particularly important task because it is the main place where the household members meet, as well as guests. It is an important issue to arrange the windows in the living room - if you are at the stage House construction, try that the windows are not placed opposite each other and opposite the door. However, if you live in an apartment or house that has been built against this principle, you can use blinds or divide the space with furniture, plants or screens. The use of one of the remedies (for example, a bell or frog figurine).
Arrangement of the living room It should take place gradually, and the room itself should be painted for one of the warm shades of yellow or orange. This is of course only an offer, but such colors are particularly desirable in accordance with the principles of feng shui. The main goal salon It is to provide household members for rest and relaxation.
According to Feng Shui philosophy The main element salon equipment There is a sofa or an armchair. They should determine the entire rhythm of the room, which is why the interior is most often built around this furniture. Both seats, What sofas or too corners They should not have sharp shapes, and RTV equipment should be in an easy -to -hide place, for example in a closed cabinet.
Unlike salon, bedroom decorated in accordance with assumptions of feng shui First of all, it is to support the production of melatonin, which is responsible for good sleep. Bedroom arrangement It should calm down and at the same time stimulate the senses, so you should use soft materials and avoid metal frames. Metal causes energy to accelerate significantly, and this in turn disturbs the work of the senses. Wanting to buy bed Therefore, attention should be paid not only to a high -quality mattress, but also to the material from which the frame is made. The best choice will be to put on wood.
Decorating the bedroom It is not an easy task and everyone who had to face this task, but thanks to use feng shui rules You get the perfect interior for relaxation and rest after a hard day. Interestingly, in bedroom decorated in harmony with feng shui There should be no mirrors. Mirrors They are able to cause strong, sometimes even undesirable energy that is released during sleep.
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